
The environment env Object helps to define the current runtime context for PIEs as they are being viewed by a user. Any time this property is updated the PIE Player will set it on the Custom Element for a PIE. It also will be passed to to the model function implemented by a PIE controller. The result of this will be set as the model property in the PIE Custom Element. This allows a developer to update or filter the model as neccesary to have the appropriate data available to render the view in the current context.

Environment Properties

    "view": "gather" | "view" | "evaluate" | "preview",
    "role": "student" | "instructor",
    "lang": [BCP 47 language tag],
    "options": {...}

Property: view

The view property indicates which view the PIE should render. The following values may be provided:

value Description
gather The PIE should present a view that allows a response to be captured
evaluate The PIE should present the response in a way that provides an evaluation of the response provided by a user
view The PIE should present a response with no inflection, and without allowing modification of the response.
preview The PIE should present the interaction for a user who is finding questions/interactions to use. For example an instructor previewing questions before including them in a test.

Property: role

Indicates the role of the current user viewing the PIE. Possible values are instructor and student

It is up to the PIE developer to determine what to do with these properties. For example a PIE might present the evaluate view differently to a user with role student or instructor, but may not have any difference in presentation for roles when the view is gather.

Property: lang

For localisation, the lang property informs the PIE of the primary language setting for the user. The values will be BCP 47 tags like en_US

Property: options

Reserved options Properties

The following properties are reserved properties that can be passed in the options object.

They are used to enable/disable and configure certain features that may be available in the assessment item.

Property Property Type Summary
calculator Object Calculator Tool, basic and advanced
notepad Boolean Note taking tool
ruler Boolean Ruler Tool
protractor Boolean Protractor Tool
masking Boolean Masking Tool
glossary Object Glossary Tool
highlighter Boolean Highlighter Tool
textToSpeech Boolean Text-to-Speech
stackedTranslation Boolean Show translations in-place near content
asl Boolean Show ASL video content if available
braille Object Options for presenting content using Brailly
expandablePassages Boolean Allow expanding of passage content
spellCheck Boolean Allow spell check
zoom String Support zoom-level
colorContrast String Support alternate color contrast
closedCaptioning String Provide closed captioning for media
strikeThrough Boolean Provide ability to strike-through options

BETA Release Note: full specification of these properties will be documented in upcoming releases of PIE framework

Custom options Properties

PIEs that need to allow for configuration options to be added when rendering their UI may define properties that will be passed in the env.options.

By convention, these properties should be scoped by organization name, e.g.

        "corespring": {
            "myCustomOption": "someValue"

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    No results matching ""